Last night, I attended an all women's performance titled, "Flowers Aren't Enough". It is a one man show performed by a women named Naomi Ackerman. The story is of a women who suffered through an abusive relationship. It started off as verbal abuse and only escalated to full blown physical abuse. Naomi really gets into the charachter and alows you to fully comprehend the experience of an abusive relationship.
I can't say I enjoyed it, as it reminded me all too clearly of boys I've dated and friends of mine that are married to such individuals. Lucky for me, I was able to save myself but my heart aches for my best friend. I don't know for sure if she's in such a relationship and I daven everyday that she is safe but unfortunately, the time-line of events has only pointed the finger that her husband is an abusive individual.
As I watched the show and listened to the questions and answers given during the Q&A session, all I wanted to know was how do you tell someone that you think they are in such a relationship. You don't want to hurt them, especially if you're wrong but at the same time you want them to know that you're there for them and you care for them. Unfortunately in our society, people are all too quick to shove things under the rug, rather than to approach things head on. I just don't want to be that person when the truth does come out, that failed her friend and didn't save her. It just makes me feel like a coward and maybe I am one but I don't know the right solution.
I only daven that she and her baby are safe and that these are all simply terrible thoughts and that they are all wrong and she truly is happy and content with her life.