Friday, June 08, 2007

Back from LA

So I know it's been a week and a half since I came back from LA but I'm back and ready to blog!

I'll share with you some of my revelations:

1) I LOVE being Jewish. I never felt so alive being with all of my NCSYers cheering on shabbos. It felt so good. It's funny that when I tell people I'm still doing NCSY, they tell me "still? Aren't you too old for that!?" And the truth is, even if I am one of the oldest advisors, I feel so young when I'm there and I feel like I'm actually using my energy to do something meaningful. Being energetic about causes that I believe in? How could I go wrong?

2) NY...I'm getting really tired of it...slowly...How much more of this can I take? I think I'm going to give myself two years, I'll have finished Social Work by then, and hopefully with Hashem's help, I'll have a husband by then...It will be time to move. I can't handle the intense, fast paced environment. Who has time to sit back and enjoy life, if you're simply just trying to keep up with the environment around you? I come home, exhausted after a day of work...but I'm sitting at a desk all day, I'm not running the marathon!

3) My boy updates lately, hopefully at some point in my lifetime there will be some breakthrough but at this point, I'm losing hope. I don't care per say that I may never get married, I just want to know, so I can get on with my life and stop worrying about it. I'm so happy with where I am, with the things I doing, the people I meet etc. Sometimes it's hard when everyone around you is married but on a whole I have wonderful friends who are extremely welcoming, ALWAYS. Que Sera Sera -- Whatever will be, will be. I don't want you to think that I'm not infinitely grateful to the one above. Quite the opposite, I am, I'm extremely thankful for EVERY opportunity I am given. I try to take advantage of each and every one of them. Obviously, this is my nissayon and I try to face every day with a smile for myself and for others. I look at my friend (see last post) and I see that Hakodosh Baruch Hu works in mysterious ways. She's dated all this time and all the while her boy wasn't ready but when he was, they dated and here they are engaged and getting married. Hakol B'yiday shamayim!! All I can do is believe.

On that note, I wish you all a beautiful, meaningful and restful shabbos!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, but I want you to know that I think of you almost every day. I hope Wurtzweiler works out and that you meet the right guy - who will appreciate you - soon.

About your first comment, sometimes when I am with Jews and we are acting in our special, Jewish way, it makes me proud to be Jewish. For example, when a Jewish person stands up for someone on the train, I always smile inside. Or when I'm learning with Judy and she tells me a thoughtfull, insightfull comment, I feel happy. It's awesome that you still gat enjoyment out of NCSY. I don't think I could do it, but "telchi m'chayil el chayil." :-]

11:57 AM  

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