Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So, I'v been dating now for close to 5 years (phew, long time...all suggestions are accepted)and I can't help but wonder if I'm looking for the wrong thing. I tell people I want someone 'yeshivish' but maybe that's not what I need. Maybe I'm just becoming impatient. And maybe there are just so many unknowns I just don't know anything anymore! I'm slowly feeling more and more lost. Without a career direction, a marriage partner or anything I feel like one big (fat) question mark! Oh and by the way...this week I'm back to dental school. I feel like I just need one person to come over to me and say...don't worry you're doing and looking for the right thing. Maybe that will cure all anxiety (ya, right).


Blogger WillWorkForFood said...

You'll get there, just hang in there, kid...

10:59 PM  

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