Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ethical Dilemmas

I attended a meeting today for my entire department. We discussed the touchy subject of what to do with students who have learning disabilities. The session was given by the Dean of a medical school. He went through various issues and attempted at providing solutions to them. But all I kept hearing is that each academic insitution is faced with the challange of where do you draw the line. When do you say 'no, you can't do it'. You don't want to discourage students and you don't want to lose all credibility by letting all hell break loose but I wonder what do you tell the aspiring doctor or lawyer who is dislexic or learning disbaled (they need time and a half or double time on exams etc.) that you just won't make it. How can you squash someone's dreams?

The other side of me says, well, how can you let these people be doctors if they cannot be counted on to appropriately diagnose a patient in a short amount of time. And if they have failed too many exams or what not, does it mean they are challanged or do they simply not know the information?

I realized all too clearly the harshness of the world we live in. I don't blame academics, after all we're dealing with the lives of the many citzens of the world but at the same time it's just to harsh for me to envision sitting a student down and telling them they can't make it. Their poor fragile ego... I can't imagine being told that. I feel like everyone deserves a chance but everyone as to proove themselves. There can be compromises made but at the end of the day there has to be a standard.

I just hope I never have to squash someone's life long dreams...


Blogger Josh said...

Don't look at it as squashing dreams. It's leading them on a path of real accomplishment.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diana -

It's amazing what people can overcome as long as someone believes in them. We all need someone - that is why Hashem created Chava so Adam wouldn't be alone. NO matter how disabled you think someone may be give them your all and you just might really be surprised to see what they give back in return

2:02 PM  

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