Monday, November 13, 2006

Doing good

I often wonder about myself and the way I act. Not to pat myself on the back or anything but I tend to do a lot of good things for many people. I'm the person you call up when you're in a bind and need some help, you need some cheering up, a last minute babysitter, or some help cooking Thursday night. I really enjoy doing all these things. I really do but I wonder if I do it really l'shem shamayim or do I do it so that someone else will think I'm a good person.

I tend to go back and forth on this issue but I will remember what a rabbi once told me...I'm willing to die being good. Am I really? Truthfully, I've never been faced with death when trying to do something good but at the same time, there are times when I neglect myself to do good for others. For example: I might be SO tired after a long day of hard work and someone will ask me for some help with something. I will 99% of the time say yes....which is fine and great but did I do it because I wanted to really help that person out and do them a favor or did I do it because I now know that that person will think I'm G-d's gift to mankind.

You might think I'm completely crazy...but I really want to be sure I have the right least 90% of the time. I want to be sure I am a really nice person and not completely faking people out.

ok ok ok....I'm nuts....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diana - obviously, I can't know your motivations, however, you are very real. Even people who want to be known as good people don't lose thier sleep and say yes to everything just because they'll look good. Their own needs come first. You aren't like that at all and I admire that.

I also appreciate all the good you do for me.

If I'm ever taking advantage of you though, PLEASE TELL ME.

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish i was in israel is right.
if someone does good only so that other people will think highly of him/her, then that dies out eventually. you do good b/c you really care about other people.
and you will please g-d get all the good back in return.
there really is no other explanation.

12:06 PM  
Blogger WillWorkForFood said...

Last-minute cooking late thursday night? Do you take orders? Mango salad, anyone?

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that your blog is amazing. It's really an inspiration.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Inmymind said...

Wish I was in Israel -- I appreciate you comment and you BETTER let me help you with your stuffs. I used to be much worse in my younger years in letting people know when they were taking advantage of me. B"H I've grown up and I have learnt to say I can't, when in fact I can't and who to say no to....

Anonymous1 -- I hear it. I just want to be sure I'm not doing just for a shem tov, you want to give because u intrinsically want to give.... It's just some thoughts that cross my mind.

willworkforfood -- you and your mangos...

anonymous2 -- Thanx!!

8:56 AM  

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