Monday, December 04, 2006

I Have Returned....

So, I'm back...It's weird...I miss Israel...Where to start?

It was an incredible trip. If felt so good to be out of NY, I cannot even tell you! I spent time with my brother and sister in law, their kids (6 nieces and 1 nephew) and my mother. I went to Chevron, Kever Rocehl, Teveria, Tzfat, Amuka, Meiron etc... I davened at the kotel almost daily, I caught up with some teachers, rebbeim, and friends. I was able to go to a friends' wedding. And most importantly, I had the chance to simply walk the streets of Yerushlayim, to breathe the air of Eretz Hakodesh.

When we say 'Yerushalyim shel Zahav...' I really felt it. Watching the sun glisten on the Jeruslem Stones really made the city look golden. I look around NYC and it's dreary, black and depressing. I find myself asking...what am I doing here?! but I know it's time to get back to work etc... and when the time comes I'll be back there, for good IY"H.

I davened for everything...For the refuah of people close to me, for shidduchim of some wonderful people who want more than anything to be married, for myself that I should have the strength to be the best eved Hashem possible, and of course for Mashiach Tzidkanu.

My brother took on a new endeavor of making tefillin (yes, the actual batim) Besides the fact that I was in awe of his beautiful work, I was more in awe of the fact that his work was completely l'shem shamyim. I watched him almost every day and it was incredible. I hope Hashem allows him to succeed.

I'm so happy I had the chance to get that battery recharge I so badly needed. L'shana Haba B'yerushlayim!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I share your sentiments exactly about being in NYC. As you walk down the street here, you just feel like something is just missing from it all. Like, everyone is just rushing around doing their own rote. And when you are there, you just feel the kedusha from every step. Like everyone/everything has a purpose. Its hard to see this/experience this lack of kedusha here in Chutz La'Aretz on a daily basis.
thanks for blogging.....

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss you here.....

Come back for winter break :)

3:42 PM  
Blogger WillWorkForFood said...

While I would be more than happy if you end up in Israel, why don't you at least get out of NYC while you are still here?
There are many places in America that aren't dreary, black, and depressing...the slab of steel and concrete that is New York City doesn't exactly tantalize the eyes. For the time being, make your stay here as happy as possible.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Inmymind said...

Rebecca -- I love that we see eye to eye :-)

Finallyinisrael -- I miss you!!! I hope I get to come back and thanx for the CUTTTEST ever care package. You're da best!!

Willworkforfood -- While you're statements are true, I cannot leave NYC at this time. I could live in a hundred places but for now, it's just what I have to do. I don't hate it -- just tired. So, it was nice to get out. One day all will happen in the right time, till then I'll enjoy my garden of concrete :-)

9:00 AM  

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