Thursday, March 23, 2006

Off the Derech

Having traveled to different parts of the Holy land for different Torah U'mada lectures, I finally enjoyed one! This last one took place in Ramat Beit Shemesh where we heard a number of speakers on the topic of Chinuch and the best ways to educate our children.

I kept hearing about the negativity that so many chidlren are exposed to in the frum education system. Some make it our alive and others are tainted for life and are known as those that have gone off the derech.

I wondered the entire time why this was so and unfortunately I was given a very strange answer. One that I knew about deep down. One of the speakers told me that so many individuals are so scared to go out into the real world that they want to find jobs only within the Torah world. So eventhough they might be bad educators they are the ones with these jobs, because there is nothing better for them to do.

It pains me so much that this is what the Jewish people have come to. What are we doing to our children? What message are we sending them? We should be sending messages of love for Torah not 'last resort'!! I hope that I will have the ability to save my children from these evil educators and hopefully raise them with love and tolerance.


Blogger almost_frei said...

HEY where are the commentators!

You write beautifully and to the point.

You are so right about the poor state of our chinuch system.

I once sat next to a young kollel man at a wedding. I asked him what his future plans were.

Once the shock of actually having to think about an answer wore off, he proudly said " I want to be a bais medresh rebbe".

I asked him, "what will you do if that does not work out? There are so many applicants for each opening, and besides, you aren't related to anyone who has a yeshiva? "
His response "

His reply "I will teach HS"

Needless to say, the conversation ended when he reluctantly said

"Then I will teach in a cheder" !

I got up and said... I hope you never teach my kids and walked away...

5:47 PM  
Blogger Inmymind said...

Hey Almost_frei,

Thanx for commenting! It is really sad....and I hope that man never gets a job either...poor children...

1:10 AM  

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