Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Catch up...

So I've discovered I have many readers...amazing how things get sent around...

So I'm here in the holy city of Yerushalayim. I decided to blog in my spare few minutes to possibly convey my excitement. Just being in the land and experiencing the holiness that fills every nook and crany.

One might be put off by the harshness of Israeli society but at the end of the day it's the pnemius what counts. Where else do we see bus drivers waiting for people to get on or off or little old ladies who you've never met and probably will never see again, giving you brochos that you should find your zivug speedily.

Every time an Israeli asks me if I'm moving to Israel, tears well up in my eyes knowing that probably the only thing holding me back is the lack of a husband. You might argue that he could be here...This is true but at the same token a)I don't know that and b)If he's possibly interested in learning for the rest of his life, well I better start working towards making a parnassah available in order to make it possible.

I've spoken with most of my rabbonim ganing as much chizuk as I can, attempting at gaining insight to my life and how to make myself a better and stronger eved Hashem.

I had the opportunity over Purim to see the Gadol Hador Rav Elyashiv. Only in Israel do you have such an opportunity! I spent today at Kever Rachel. I hadn't been there in at least 6 or 7 years -- definitely well before the intifada when I spent two amazing years learning here. Tomorrow a special trip to Chevron...

I truly wish I could stay here forever. I feel so at home, everything feels so right. I wish I could tell the future...but hey don't we all wish that!

I'll be sure to write more when I get back!

With regards from Yerushalyim...


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