Friday, May 12, 2006

The Single Shabbaton

I was going to ignore it completely but after having a truly disturbing conversation about it, I felt I needed to say something. What has the Jewish world come to? A screening process for individuals who simply want to find their bashert? and allowing 20 year olds to go? What are we educating to our children? I'm literally shocked, pained and amazed that this is what the Jewish people have come to. I'm not against the shabbaton bishita. In fact I think it's a great idea! As long as it's done with sensitivity and desire to truly help others. AND I've even been to one where they were SO careful and although I was the odd one out, I really enjoyed myself and made a kesher with a wonderful shaddchan. I hope that the 20 year old girls going realize that they are not desperate and the ones that didn't get to go, don't think they are nobody's because they didn't get in. And the people that created the shabbaton, I hope they had real intentions of making shidduchim, rather than having a 'who's who' shabbaton.


Blogger WillWorkForFood said...

was this what you were talking about? and you were chosheish ME???

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you actually know anyone who was rejected for being too old?

About the 20 year olds, I don't think the shabbaton was meant only for "older girls." A part of it was a way for people to network with shadchanim. Many girls don't know that many their shadchanim, & this was an opportunity to meet them.

A friend of mine who went told me that she was really happy with it. She's really sweet, but she doesn't know that many people. Now she is (hopefully) part of a network.

Of course, as you said, a big part of it was to give guys the opportunity to check out pretty girls. Unfortunately, that's life.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Inmymind said...

I do know a couple of people who couldn't go because they were too old.

Also, I agree that it was for networking not necessarily meeting your bashert. Then why invite all the most well connected individuals?!

Let's hope some shidduchim come out of it -- that's what is most important!

10:56 PM  

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